A re-imagining of the Sega Genesis classic, which sees Mickey Mouse platforming through the eponymous castle on a quest to rescue Minnie from the witch Mizrabel.
DIRT 2 is a racing game for people who don’t enjoy racing games, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Filled with style and plenty of casual appeal, there is a deeply fun and addictive racing experience underneath all the fireworks and explosions.
Similar to a treasure chest buried a hundred feet down, Crusader Kings II is a game overflowing with richness, realism and depth. But in order to get the gold you should be immensely prepared to dig deep through thick layers of bugs, glitches and a generally subpar port.
Cubemen is a fairly new addition to the already crowded tower defence genre. Available for PC, Mac and iPad, it adds a few unique twists onto a familiar structure.
Rufus, the not-quite-hero of Deponia is a bit strange. Kind of an arrogant, whiney dolt (think Homer Simpson without the charm), he's nevertheless able to build rockets out of household parts whilst cracking (at times confusing) jokes, all the while on a mission to win the affection of a sort-of angel. You'll either love him or… turn the sound off.