Julian Gollop, perhaps best known for his work on X-Com (as well as his frequent appearances on iOS-focused Pocket Tactics), has taken to Kickstarter for his next (Mac-compatible) project:
Chaos Reborn is a game with nail-biting decisions and twists of fate. Every battle is different, every realm is unique, and there is always something new to discover.
Based on my cult classic ZX Spectrum game ‘Chaos’, first published in 1985 by Games Workshop, Chaos Reborn is part sequel, part re-imagining of that original game brought up-to-date with high quality presentation.
The magic combat system remains true to the original Chaos. It is all about summoning a host of weird and mythical creatures, moving and fighting with them, and using your wizard to attack, defend, buff and de-buff with large array of spells. It is highly tactical and fast paced. But Chaos Reborn expands considerably on this by offering multiplayer modes, a single-player RPG system and co-op play.
The art style looks very cheerful and clean, and reportedly the game is already in a playable state. There’s about two weeks left on the clock if you’re interested in backing, but it’s likely to hit its target either way, and there’s more information on its Steam Greenlight page.