Wing Commander Expands

Classic games Wing Commander 1 + 2 and Wing Commander Privateer as featured on now include their respective expansion packs:

The Wing Commander expansions bring new missions, new ships, a new storyline, and an increase in difficulty in The Secret Missions, and in Secret Missions 2: Crusade, we see a whole new alien race, a new challenge, and a mysterious defection all raising the stakes of both the game’s storytelling and its combat. In Wing Commander II: Special Operations 1 we see a layered web of deceit, lies, betrayal, and action all bringing that trademarked Wing Commander cinematic feel, while Special Operations 2 sees the player ambushed while escorting a traitor, and soon the player (as Col. Blair) will find himself undertaking one of his most dangerous missions of all: an undercover one infiltrating the very traitors he was escorting in the first place!

Finally, in [Wing Commander Privateer’s] Righteous Fire the player squares off against a crazy fundamentalist sect called the Retros as the open-ended space sim world’s story continues with more action, ships, and missions to keep player occupied for hours.

If you’ve previously bought either of these games from Gog, you’ll find them updated on your account page. Otherwise, they’re currently at $2.99 apiece.


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