Boxer-Based Games and Mavericks

Over on the BoxerApp blog, Alun Bestor has returned from a much-needed break to bring us some information about using Boxer with OS 10.9 Mavericks:

Boxer works just fine in the newly-released OS X 10.9 Mavericks, with the sole exception that you’ll need to give Boxer permission to capture hotkeys again so that Ctrl+arrowkeys won’t switch spaces while you’re playing.

There’s a detailed guide on how to do this (linked below), and he notes that this also applies to any games that use Boxer’s foundation (though they’ll show up separately in System Preferences). He also notes that the next version of the MS-DOS emulator is still underway, and will involve a complete rewrite of the application, and there’ll be more information on that soon.

Image courtesy bobsfever


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